Monday, September 15, 2008

Hedge Fund Guy Single-Handedly E-Mails Obama To Victory

Alexander Russo with a funny post on his blog (I'll concede that my Obama emails have been a little out of control recently)...

Hedge Fund Guy Single-Handedly E-Mails Obama To Victory

If Barack Obama wins election in November he may have to credit school reform hedge fund guy Whitney Tilson for putting him over the top.  Not with campaign donations, however.  With emails.

In the past few weeks especially, Tilson has worked night and day sending what seems like hundreds of emails (each of which contains multiple items), which no doubt translate directly into Obama votes.

Want to help the cause and receive Tilson's emails?  You can sign up here (  Previous Posts:

Who The Hell Is Whitney Tilson?
Reformista Attacks Linda Darling-Hammond
Somewhat Annoying Latecomers Try New School Reform Strategy:  Campaign Giving


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