On the ground report from Virginia
My friend James Forman (law prof at Georgetown) with a report about the incredible on-the-ground activities in Virginia, a key swing state:
View from the ground in a swing state: Yesterday Georgetown law students descended on the Fairfax county Obama office. The gtown group was about 50 and when we arrived, we found that that there were already at least 150 people there, a line stretching halfway down a city block, all waiting just to sign into the Obama office to receive marching orders. The student who is our group's leader is a veteran organizer, been with Obama since Iowa, and said he had never seen anything like this: so many people, 7 weeks before an election, in one campaign office, all getting ready to knock door to door. There were so many folks that they almost ran out of canvassing packets! And that was just the morning crew; there were more volunteers scheduled to arrive in the afternoon. I'm going out today, to this same office, with another large group. Will let you know how it goes. Fired up here in VA!
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