Friday, November 14, 2008

Yes, I'm OK and no, I'm not being considered for a position in the Obama administration

After being an Obama emailing/blogging machine for the past few months, I took a rest after the sweetest victory ever!  Apparently it was too long of a rest because today I got an email from a friend wondering if I was OK -- or if I was being so quiet because I was being vetted for a position in the Obama administration.  LOL!  Yes, I'm fine -- just exhausted (being in the money management business these days is no picnic!) -- and it's way too early in my career to do public service full time; I'm waaaaay too busy with three businesses (investing, conferences and a newsletter, plus writing monthly columns for the Financial Times and Kiplinger's and book underway) and 11 nonprofit boards (seriously; I just counted them the other day -- I had no idea...).  Maybe when Cory Booker is elected President (in 12 or 16 years I'd guess) I'll be ready to serve...
No articles in this email -- just more amazing, powerful, heartfelt emails from people I'm so proud to call my friends.


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