Sunday, March 11, 2007

McCain Is Forced To Play Catch-Up As Support Ebbs

There were some AMAZING polling numbers for Obama buried in this article from the front page of today's WSJ on McCain's difficulties.  No wonder Hillary's people are going nuts, twisting arms until they break, etc.

The poll shows Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is also facing a stiffer early challenge than her advisers anticipated. Among Democrats, the New York senator's lead over Sen. Barack Obama now stands at 40%-28%, down from 37%-18% in December. In a two-way matchup, Mrs. Clinton leads her Illinois colleague by a narrower 47%-39%.

Echoing Mr. McCain's situation, 16% of Democrats say they definitely wouldn't vote for Mrs. Clinton, twice the number who say that of Mr. Obama. And while seven in 10 Democrats embrace Mr. Obama's call to withdraw troops from Iraq, about half express discomfort with Mrs. Clinton's refusal to call her vote to authorize the war a mistake.

Mr. Hart, the Democratic pollster, notes that Mr. Obama's recent entry on the national stage leaves his support vulnerable to shifting political winds. But with 80% of Americans now recognizing Mr. Obama's name, Mr. Newhouse adds, the survey shows "he is a real, credible, serious threat to Hillary."


McCain Is Forced To Play Catch-Up As Support Ebbs

Poll Reflects Concerns
About Age, War Stance;
A Giuliani Boomlet
March 8, 2007; Page A1

WASHINGTON -- Some 10 months before Republican voters begin to select the party's presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain is facing unexpectedly formidable challenges despite courting the party faithful during his seven-year wait on deck for a shot at the White House.

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows the Arizona senator trailing Rudy Giuliani by more than 20 percentage points -- and encountering doubts in the party about his age and steadfast support for the Iraq war.


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