Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain Grilled On "The View"

Run, don't walk, to watch these video clips from McCain's appearance on The View today.  They POUND him with tough questions!  So sad that the best journalism being done these days is on The View...

McCain Grilled On "The View": Sarah Palin, His Abortion Stance, His Obama Attack Ads, And More


Huffington Post   |   September 12, 2008 12:30 PM


The ladies of "The View" confronted John McCain today for lying in recent attack ads, pressed him on abortion and questioned his choice of Sarah Palin.


In arguably his toughest interview yet, co-host Joy Behar asked McCain, "There are ads running from your campaign... Now we know that those two ads are untrue, they are lies. And yet, you at the end of it say you approve these messages. Do you really approve these?"


Barbara then threw in her condemnation, telling McCain: "You, yourself said the same thing about putting lipstick on a pig..."


Watch McCain try and explain the lies: [video clip]


McCain was also pushed on his stance on abortion, saying he thought Roe v. Wade was a bad decision. Saying he'd nominate justices who interpret the constitution, Whoopi asked if that meant she'd be returned to slavery: [video clip]


Whoopi also pushed McCain on the separation of church and state, and if he believes in it, "did it not give you a moment of pause" to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate. He responded in part, "God has a plan for the world and that we should do what we can to lead as good a lives as we can...": [video clip]


McCain was asked how Palin will "reform" Washington and the government. Barbara Walters continually pushed on just who and what she was going to reform. His answer, which he was forced to elaborate on, was "all of Washington": [video clip]


McCain also claimed that Palin has never asked for money for pet projects as Alaska governor -- when in fact she has sought nearly $200 million in earmarks this year.


For the 3rd and 4th segments, he was joined by wife Cindy McCain, for whom cohost Elisabeth Hasselbeck hosted a luncheon at last week's RNC. After a hard first few segments, talk got easy with Cindy and turned to kids and humanitarian issues.


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