Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Voter registration efforts

An email from James Forman about voter registration efforts: 
A few people have talked to me about how they would rather register voters than canvass.  We hear you.  There are 2 more weeks to register voters, the weather is beautiful for walking around, so now is the time for an all out push. 

The polls today show Obama surging, but we know how that goes, polls will be up and down.  Don't freak out when they are down, don't get too hyped when they are up.  Our path to victory is straightforward: register more new folks and get our supporters to the polls.

If you are in the DC area, and want to join us for voter registration either of the next 2 weekends, sign up here:  We don't have a voter reg icon on the drop down yet, so click canvass.  The office knows that some in our group want to do voter reg.  When we get to the office, everyone who wants to voter reg will get trained for that, and folks who want to do door to door canvassing will get trained for that. 

Frequently asked questions:

Can I do this with kids?  Yes.  A lot of folks want to get their kids engaged, but cannot commit to a long day because the kids get tired.  No problem.  Even if you can only come out for a couple of hours, that helps a lot.  So bring your kids, do what you can, and go home when you have to.

I've never done this before.  Will I get training?  Yes.  Quality control varies from office to office, but all the offices provide training and it is generally good.  The Alexandria VA office we go to provides superb training, it takes about 30-45 minutes, and off you go. 

Where does the voter registration take place?  The campaign targets high volume areas like metro stops and super-markets, as well as door to door in some low income areas that are dense with Obama supporters but have relatively low voter registration levels.  When you arrive at the office, you can tell them where you want to go if you have a preference (e.g., "I'd like to work at a metro stop").  Their goal is to meet your needs and make the experience a positive one.

So join us by signing up here:

If you aren't in DC/MD/VA, ck with your local campaign office (
, then click your state, then click find local offices).  They will tell you where to go for voter reg stuff.  Or if you are having trouble send me an email and I'll direct you.


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