McCain wrong on Palin earmarks
McCain told yet another bald lie on The View a few days ago, saying Palin never requested earmarks as governor, when in fact she requested $454 million in her two years! (Not to mention her past as Mayor of Wasilla, when she hired a lobbyist to lobby for more earmarks -- and how's this for ironic: at one point, during one of McCain's annual reading of wasteful earmarks on the Senate floor, he specifically identified $2 million of earmarks for Wasilla!)
John McCain got it wrong Friday when he asserted that his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, had not requested any earmarks, the spending directives lawmakers insert in spending bills that McCain has vowed to eliminate.
Palin, in fact, requested $198 million in federal earmarks in February, including such expenses as $487,000 to fight obesity in Alaska and $4 million to develop recreational trails.
By day's end, the McCain campaign backed down from the claim the GOP presidential candidate made on the ABC television show "The View."
"Sen. McCain was in the throes of a discussion about her record of reforming government, which includes drastic cuts in wasteful spending in the Alaska state budget," said McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds. "If he gave viewers a mistaken impression, it certainly wasn't intentional or without some basis in fact."
Palin's approach to earmarks has been much closer to the views of Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate, than of McCain, who wants to end the entire earmark system.
McCain wrong on Palin earmarks
NEW YORK -- John McCain got it wrong Friday when he asserted that his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, had not requested any earmarks, the spending directives lawmakers insert in spending bills that McCain has vowed to eliminate.
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