Saturday, March 24, 2007

Anti-Clinton Ad Maker Lived With Obama Senate Staffer

This is starting to get silly.  What's next?  A photo with Obama shaking hands with de Vellis years ago?  Oooooooo!  That'll prove Obama's lying and secretly ordered the video made, right?  NOT!

Anti-Clinton Ad Maker Lived With Obama Senate Staffer

Senator Denied Campaign Connection but Mock Ad Maker Lived Wth Press Secretary


March 23, 2007— - The press secretary for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., recently lived with the creator of the scathingly satirical YouTube video ad that attacked Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., a revelation that seems to undermine the senator's claim that he and his campaign had only "very attenuated" ties with the ad's creator.

Candidates Stress Early Fundraising

From the buzz I've been hearing and seeing, I think Obama's number is going to rock (but have no idea how to quantify it)...

Presidential candidates are collecting contributions at a record-setting pace and are racing to load their schedules with fundraising events ahead of March 31, the campaign's cutoff for financial reports that will be filed next month...

"It's almost a geometric increase," said Michael E. Toner, who left his post as a member of the Federal Election Commission last week.

Campaigns are also aggressively trying to manage expectations, providing low-ball estimates of what they will raise while exaggerating predictions for their opponents. Estimates of what Clinton will raise this quarter range from $15 million (the official prediction of the campaign, but one her own aides privately concede is low) to $50 million (a staggering and probably unrealistic figure).

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has similarly played down his goals, with aides saying they would be thrilled with a take of $7 million to $12 million this quarter. But there is ample evidence -- such as Obama's raising $1.3 million at a single Hollywood event -- to suggest that he could do better, perhaps hitting $20 million or higher.

Candidates Stress Early Fundraising
Tallies for First Quarter Could Be Make-or-Break

By Anne E. Kornblut and Chris Cillizza
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, March 21, 2007; A01

Presidential candidates are collecting contributions at a record-setting pace and are racing to load their schedules with fundraising events ahead of March 31, the campaign's cutoff for financial reports that will be filed next month.

The amounts that contenders can bring in will shape the narrative of the race for months to come -- potentially vaulting a candidate into the top tier -- and could spell an early exit for some.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Letter from an ex-pat

Obama had a conference call recently with ex-pats (Americans, like my sister and parents, who lives overseas) and an ex-pat friend forwarded me this email from a friend of his -- an American who lives in France:
I am sorry for a large group email but am writing after sitting in on
a conference call that Senator Barack Obama did this evening for all
interested expats around the world. We were told that expats from a
couple dozen countries were in on the call. Some quite impressive
speakers were on the line also, other expats and recently repatriated
Americans, all of us disenchanted - to put it mildly - with what
recent history has done to our once great nation.

Before this evening I felt a sense of hope that I'd not felt for many
years, at least six to be exact. Sen. Obama speaks to almost all of
my beliefs on almost every topic. He didn't say anything new on the
call, but what I heard without seeing his youthful appearance on the
television, was so eloquent and mature without being self-serving
(well obviously he wants our donations and votes) but I was even more
impressed than I'd expected I'd be. His comfortability to not know
everything is so refreshing. He used a word (my fifty something
memory already forgets what it was) that one never hears used in
plural form and he paused after saying it and repeated it with and
ending such as used in symposia or memoranda, and said not sure I got
that right. It was not a clever ruse to show us he's normal but was
so natural and comfortable. His speech is so far superior and non-
pandering compared to all the others that I can't imagine anyone
voting for anyone other than him. Yes, I'm convinced. He should be
our next president.

He doesn't have Hillary's money machine, but I think he has
everything else we could ever hope for in a presidential candidate,
particularly in times like these. I think it's more of an asset that
he doesn't have vast experience in Washington, D.C. He is more
fresh. He appears authentic. The others with perhaps the exception
of Gov. Richardson don't come across to me as authentic.

I think he has a better grasp on what we must do to solve many ills
in the world inside and outside our borders, and I think he likely is
more of a tactician than the others in thinking ahead to how to
prepare for shift in world power in the not so distant future.

For the first time in my life, other than ticking off the box to
contribute to election campaign fund, I will be making a small
donation to his campaign. You all know that I don't easily part with
her retirement money but this time I will part with a bit and I am
hoping many of you will do the same. His website makes it easy to

I'd love to hear your thoughts on his versus the other fine
Democratic candidates' approach this time around.

Best and bisous,


From Obama's Past: An Old Classmate, A Surprising Call

What a sad story about a ruined man and a ruined life.  The evils of drug and/or alcohol addiction are hard to overstate.  It can make people do awful things -- like try to blackmail old friends:
Tensions rose when Mr. Kakugawa asked for some money to be wired to him via Western Union, according to both him and Ms. Adler. Ms. Adler brought in senior adviser Robert Gibbs, and together they phoned Mr. Kakugawa last Saturday.

"Sen. Obama really does want to help," Mr. Gibbs told Mr. Kakugawa, according to both men's recollection. The advisers suggested Mr. Kakugawa get help from social-service agencies, and that the Obama office would help with that. But he would not get money, Mr. Gibbs said.

The exchange left Mr. Kakugawa upset. "Everybody's just abandoned me," he says.


From Obama's Past: An Old Classmate, A Surprising Call

In High School, 'Ray' and 'Barry'
Were Friends, Then Took Different Paths
March 23, 2007; Page A1

Sen. Barack Obama had just come off the Senate floor last Thursday, rushing to get to New Hampshire for a weekend of campaigning for president, when his office patched through a call to his cellphone. On the other end was a long-lost high-school friend, Keith Kakugawa, calling from a pay phone in a rundown part of Los Angeles. Mr. Kakugawa was homeless and fresh from a California state prison facility after a third drug-related conviction.

The unexpected phone call marked the surprising re-emergence of a friend from Mr. Obama's past, one of the most compelling characters in Mr. Obama's best-selling memoir of his struggle with his racial identity. In "Dreams From My Father," Mr. Obama described Mr. Kakugawa -- half-black and half-Japanese and native Hawaiian -- as an older-brother figure to Mr. Obama at their exclusive, mostly white Honolulu high school. The two bonded, Mr. Obama wrote, "due in no small part to the fact that together we made up almost half of Punahou's black high school population," in a student body of about 1,700. Mr. Obama called Mr. Kakugawa "Ray" in the book to protect his privacy.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Creator of '1984' Video Unmasked -- Has Obama Link

So now we know who did the brilliant, powerful Hillary 1984 ad (even Hillary supporters, while I'm sure hating the ad and decrying negative campaigning, will have to admit that it IS brilliant and powerful, perfectly and vividly capturing the beliefs/concerns that many people have about her): it was someone who worked at the company that did Obama's web site, Blue State Digital.  So what?  Neither Obama's campaign nor Blue State Digital had any knowledge of this and Obama certainly can't be held responsible for every action taken by his millions of supporters.
I like the way this guy thinks and agree with him -- I too will likely support Hillary if she's the nominee:
DeVellis concludes his Huffington Post posting, "Let me be clear: I am a proud Democrat, and I always have been. I support Senator Obama. I hope he wins the primary. (I recognize that this ad is not his style of politics.) I also believe that Senator Clinton is a great public servant, and if she should win the nomination, I would support her and wish her all the best.

"I've resigned from my employer, Blue State Digital, an internet company that provides technology to several presidential campaigns, including Richardson's, Vilsack's, and -- full disclosure -- Obama's. The company had no idea that I'd created the ad, and neither did any of our clients. But I've decided to resign anyway so as not to harm them, even by implication.

"This ad was not the first citizen ad, and it will not be the last. The game has changed."
Creator of '1984' Video Unmasked -- Has Obama Link

By E&P Staff and The Associated Press

WASHINGTON The mystery creator of the Orwellian YouTube ad against Hillary Rodham Clinton is a Democratic operative who worked for a digital consulting firm with ties to rival Sen. Barack Obama. Philip de Vellis, a strategist with Blue State Digital, acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press that he was the creator of the video, which portrayed Clinton as a Big Brother figure and urged support for Obama's presidential campaign.

De Vellis said he resigned from the firm on Wednesday after he learned that he was about to be unmasked by the, a liberal news and opinion Internet site.

"Hi. I'm Phil. I did it. And I'm proud of it," he quickly wrote on his own (new) blog at Huffington Post.

"I made the 'Vote Different' ad because I wanted to express my feelings about the Democratic primary, and because I wanted to show that an individual citizen can affect the process. There are thousands of other people who could have made this ad, and I guarantee that more ads like it--by people of all political persuasions--will follow."

Will a YouTube Video Decide the Next President?

The game has indeed changed -- and for the better, I think:
In the past, money was an insurmountable barrier on the average American to having an influence on elections but with the advent of the Internet, YouTube and viral Internet campaigns, any individual with access to a computer, creativity and limited technical skills can create a devastating message. Only the creativity and effectiveness of the message can limit its ability to spread like a wildfire.
There is the risk, of course, that politics descends into "gotcha" moments, but I think the opposite is more likely -- that candidate's TRUE SELVES are revealed.  Modern political machines, with their carefully crafted commercials, soundbites and speeches, can easily fool the public.  For example, I don't think what happened to George Allen was unfair -- given his racist past, I think his "macaca" comment showed the real him...

In the 2006 election, several incumbents owe their defeat to an ill-advised comment caught on video tape and spread across the Web. It isn't a new phenomenon for campaigns to employ trackers. Operatives are routinely dispatched to follow the opposing candidate in hopes of capturing an inopportune moment on videotape.

What is new is that much more of the footage is being saved from a death on the cutting room floor and is now being posted on the Internet. The community of activists and citizens takes over from there. The results can be devastating. Just ask former Virginia Sen. George Allen, who had his "macacca" moment during the campaign and never recovered.


Will a YouTube Video Decide the Next President?

Presidential Politics Just Got a Lot More Interesting


March 20, 2007 — - For decades, campaign managers and spin masters have controlled the campaign messages blasting across the airwaves.

They used one focus group after another to determine which words to say and which images to use. Only then would a radio spot or television commercial make it off the drawing board and into the election campaign.

All that may be changing.

On March 5, an anonymous visitor to the popular video-sharing site YouTube uploaded a video attacking Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and promoting the candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.

Hillary Strategy: Get Black Female Voters

Some VERY interesting and positive data:
An ABC–Washington Post poll released last month shows that Hillary’s support among blacks has dropped dramatically (from 60 percent to 33 percent), and her support among women overall has dipped as well (from 49 percent to 40 percent)—owing almost exclusively to the fact that black women are now supporting Obama.
Hillary Strategy: Get Black Female Voters

New plan to court once-dependable demo.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign apparatus is now in full swing to court a part of the electorate she thought she had locked down in pre-Obama days: black women. According to one campaign source, Minyon Moore, a Hillary operative and former political director in Bill Clinton’s White House, held a strategy session last week with influential black women, like Marva Smalls (a top exec at Nickelodeon) and NYPD chaplain Suzan Johnson Cook, at Hillary’s Manhattan headquarters. “We’ve always said we need to earn every vote,” Moore says, and hopes the women will act as cheerleaders for Hillary. An ABC–Washington Post poll released last month shows that Hillary’s support among blacks has dropped dramatically (from 60 percent to 33 percent), and her support among women overall has dipped as well (from 49 percent to 40 percent)—owing almost exclusively to the fact that black women are now supporting Obama. “Black women will be key,” says Donna Brazile, a Dem strategist (still unaffiliated) and Al Gore’s former campaign manager. “What drives politics in the black community is the early support of black women. They drive the discourse. They pick a candidate, and stick with it.”

Monday, March 19, 2007

2008 Campaign Goes Negative on YouTube

This is a very powerful negative Hillary ad that's been posted anonymously on YouTube:
So powerful, in fact, that ABC News is already picking up on the story:

2008 Campaign Goes Negative on YouTube

Unauthorized Anti-Clinton Ad Shows YouTube's Potential '08 Influence


March 19, 2007 — - A striking, new and unauthorized negative campaign ad for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., that attacks his presidential nomination rival Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., is the latest sensation on the popular video sharing site You Tube.

The 74-second ad is a creative take on director Ridley Scott's controversial 1984 Super Bowl commercial that launched Apple as a brash alternative to market leader IBM.

But this time, the blond female athlete running away from riot-gear clad police and carrying a sledgehammer is wearing an Obama tank top and listening to an iPod.

The ad's protagonist runs past zombie-like citizens watching a grainy, widescreen television image of Clinton talking about her presidential campaign.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, is likened to an Orwellian Big Brother, and the female athlete smashes her sledgehammer into the widescreen television and destroys it, shocking the citizens out of their complacency.

"On Jan. 14, the Democratic primary will begin," the ad's tagline reads, "and you'll see why 2008 won't be like 1984."

In the final scenes, the familiar Apple computer "O" symbol morphs into the Web site address

The Web site may be Obama's official campaign Web site, but the ad's creator is a mystery. The Obama campaign claims it had nothing to do with the video.

Chris Rock on Hillary and Obama

Chris Rock's opening monologue on Saturday Night Live, in which he compares the suffering of white women and black men and predicts Obama will be the next President, is a riot!  Check it out at:
Here's his closing line:
To those Americans who ask, "Is America ready for a black President," I say, "Why not?  We just had a retarded one!"

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Search for Self in Obama's Hawaii Childhood

A nice story on the front page of today's NY Times on Obama's high school years in Hawaii.

The political narrative of Mr. Obama was written about 4,500 miles and a cultural universe away from here, largely in Illinois. But the seeds of his racial consciousness, its attendant alienation and political curiosity appear to have been planted in Hawaii.

There was, by the description of his classmates, coaches and teachers, their Barry, the one who still looks remarkably like the picture in his yearbook, smiling under his Afro, or posing somewhat stiffly with other children under a sign “Mixed Races of America.”

That Barry had a confident gait, a cheerful smile and a B average.

“He had the same exact mannerisms then as he does now,” said Eric Kusunoki, Mr. Obama’s homeroom teacher at the Punahou School. “When he walked up to give that speech at the Democratic convention, we recognized him right away by the way he walked. He was well liked by everybody, a very charismatic guy.”

And there was the other Barry, the child of a white American mother, Ann Dunham, who died in 1995, and a Kenyan father, also named Barack, who left when Mr. Obama was young and who is also dead. That Barry, described in Mr. Obama’s book, “Dreams From My Father,” was the one whose young classmate once asked him if his “father ate people,” who endured whispered racial epithets, whose sense of being a misfit haunted him into high school, where at times, he says, he hid behind a haze of marijuana smoke and unhappiness.

“He struggled here with the idea that people were pushing an identity on him, what it meant to be a black man,” said Ms. Soetoro-Ng, whose own father was Indonesian.

“He was trying to balance that with a desire he already had then to name himself,” she said. “There were not a lot of people here who were engaged in that process. Their identities were more solidly assumed. Having a community that embraced you without question was something that most people had. But he had lived in Indonesia, had a father who was absent but whose presence loomed large and a mother who had lived in 13 places.”

As a result, she said, Mr. Obama, while “not a brooding young man — he played sports and formed close friendships and wasn’t overly serious” — often “wrapped himself in his own solitude.”

A Search for Self in Obama’s Hawaii Childhood
Published: March 17, 2007

HONOLULU, March 12 — To his high school classmates, Barack Obama was a pleasant if undistinguished student, the guy who seemed happiest on the basketball court, the first to dive into the pumpkin carving at Halloween, the one whose oratorical prowess was largely limited to out-debating classmates over the relative qualities of point guards.

Return to Treasure Island

A front-page story in today's WSJ on Hillary and Obama raising big money in Hollywood.

Here in Hollywood, where glitz is treated as a tangible asset, alliances, friendships and family ties are being tested as local bigwigs scramble to burnish their credentials as political power brokers. Amid a fund-raising frenzy, producers, billionaires and activists are elbowing each other to recruit donors -- sometimes on behalf of the same candidate. The race here has its own version of a debate over housing: Who has the better mansion?

The entertainment industry is one of the biggest sources of political donations and is also one of the few that tilts heavily Democratic. For now, Messrs. Geffen and Katzenberg, whose DreamWorks studio made hits such as "Gladiator" and "American Beauty," are Mr. Obama's de facto team captains in the movie industry. Their longtime political consultant once worked with another political wunderkind, Gary Hart.

Haim Saban, an Egyptian-born billionaire who made his fortune in children's television, notably the "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers," has pledged to raise $1 million for Mrs. Clinton this year. He's vying for top billing with supermarket mogul Ronald Burkle and movie financier Stephen Bing, an investor in Warner Bros.'s "The Polar Express."


Return to Treasure Island

Hollywood's moguls compete to raise cash for Democratic candidates. Whose house is better?
March 17, 2007; Page A1

Los Angeles

In the bedroom of movie producer and Democratic fund-raiser Mike Medavoy and his wife Irena, the couple have installed two televisions in case her new favorite, Sen. Barack Obama, is on one channel, and Sen. Hillary Clinton, a longtime favorite of his, is on another. Across town, cable-TV pioneer and Clinton fund-raiser Marc Nathanson was surprised to learn he was competing with another Clinton backer for his own son's contribution. And producer Steven Spielberg, after co-sponsoring an Obama fund-raiser with two former partners -- David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg -- is now planning a Clinton gala. Messrs. Geffen and Katzenberg won't be helping.

The Bundling of the President, 2008

An article from the NY Observer on who the big "bundlers" are in NYC for each candidate:
Campaign-watchers like Michael Toner, a commissioner at the Federal Election Commission, have predicted that this will be the most expensive race in U.S. history.
To help reel in all this cash, the candidates have engaged in a race-within-a-race for the most successful bundlers, jockeying for the loyalties of the most influential, the most connected or simply the most willing. A few of these traditional suspects are still undecided, holding out for an Al Gore or Newt Gingrich announcement, but an unusually high number have already declared their undying allegiance to one or another candidate—at least for the next year or so.
What follows is a partial, unscientific list of candidates and the fund-raisers who love them, according to conversations with the campaigns, professional fund-raisers and leading donors.

The Bundling of the President, 2008
It’s Presidential fund-raising season, and for the ladies and business titans who have turned this cyclical money game into a high-stakes social pastime, their calendars have rarely been so full, or their money more in demand.

New York Observer, Lizzy Ratner, 3/19/2007

With each week, a new parade of Presidential contenders arrives in New York for a mix of intimate, living-room meet-and-greets and colossal, concert-style fund-raisers. Some nights they head for Park Avenue, other nights for Fifth Avenue. But no matter how much the sites or scenes might vary—pinstriped Wall Street suits on one evening, media types the next—the goal is always the same: to kiss the rings of the city’s rich and connected and raise as much primary cash as possible.

A letter from an inner-city kid

One of the reasons I support Obama is that I think he understands the crisis in our public schools and, in particular, how badly low-income minority kids are being utterly screwed.  I think he could be to this issue, within the Democratic Party, what Bill Clinton was to welfare reform.
In that spirit, I wanted to share this story: I recently made a donation to TEAM Academy, a KIPP chater school in Newark (I'm Vice Chair of the four KIPP schools in NYC), and in the mail yesterday received a thank-you letter from the school and a powerful, hand-written letter from a student there.
All I can say is: WOW!  Her story blew me away.  It captures as well as anything I've ever read about what inner-city children face in their lives and the life-changing difference a great school can make.  Stories like this get me chocked up and are why I'm so passionate about trying to make sure EVERY child in this country has the opportunity to attend a great school.
I called Ryan Hill, the founder of TEAM Academy, and learned that this young lady (who I'll keep anonymous to protect her privacy) was accepted to Exeter yesterday!  She has also received a Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship that will pay all of her education expenses through graduate school.  Read this letter (below and you'll understand why (I have made no edits, other than removing her name).  Here's an excerpt:
TEAM has been that helping hand in my life -- helping me overcome situations that could have dragged me down and destroyed me.  From having the house I lived in devoured by vicious flames, to only owning the clothes on my back and the love and faith in my heart, to watching every cell in my god-brother's brain lying on the sidewalk as a result of ignorant gun wars, TEAM has helped me through it all.  TEAM has taught me to cherish every second of life, the good and the bad.  TEAM has taught me that the only thing that can kill you is losing pride and confidence within yourself.
To be honest, if I wasn't at TEAM Academy, I would be running the streets myself, caught in the net that many people are too blind to avoid.  Boarding school and college wouldn't even be part of my vocabulary.
PS--If you're interested in school reform, check out my web page at and let me know if you want to be on my school reform email list.
Dear Mr. and Ms. Tilson,
I am writing to thank you on behalf of everyone here at TEAM Academy and Rise Academy.  It is generous people such as yourselves that make all of this possible.
My name is [] and I am a 14-year-old senior (8th grader) here at TEAM Academy.  For all of my life, I've lived in the heart of Newark, NJ, a city full of crime, poverty, and violence; a city that the average outsider looking in might compare to a piece of neglected trash; a place that has taught me that somedays we witness situations that our eyes are too naive to understand; a place that has shown me that life is NOT fair, it will leave you stranded with nowhere to go and nobody to call on.  Fortunately, I learned early on in this struggle that the only way to make it through is to have hope and to deeply believe that one day, it will all be better.
I found that hope when I started at TEAM Academy in September of 2004.  TEAM has been that helping hand in my life -- helping me overcome situations that could have dragged me down and destroyed me.  From having the house I lived in devoured by vicious flames, to only owning the clothes on my back and the love and faith in my heart, to watching every cell in my god-brother's brain lying on the sidewalk as a result of ignorant gun wars, TEAM has helped me through it all.  TEAM has taught me to cherish every second of life, the good and the bad.  TEAM has taught me that the only thing that can kill you is losing pride and confidence within yourself.
To be honest, if I wasn't at TEAM Academy, I would be running the streets myself, caught in the net that many people are too blind to avoid.  Boarding school and college wouldn't even be part of my vocabulary.  However, thanks to the guidance of my teachers and friends at TEAM Academy, my life is nowhere near that path.  Instead, I am a very intellectual young lady with many goals in life.  I look forward to living a positive life and helping those who need it.  TEAM Academy has helped me pursue many of my short-term goals, like gaining confidence in myself and expanding my academic reach overall.  Now, I read, write, and think on a much higher level; a level that some people in Newark never reach.
I would like to thank you for supporting TEAM Academy and our mission of success.  Your love is felt by us all.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Win a Trip, and See a Different World

Nick Kristof is one of my all-time favorite writers and people (I've had the honor of meeting him twice).  He should win the Nobel Peace Prize for doing more to raise international awareness of human suffering all over the world than anyone I can think of.
This is why we need Obama as President -- he gets this in a way no-one else running does:

That lack of firsthand experience abroad also helps explain why we are so awful at foreign policy: we just don’t “get” how our actions will be perceived abroad, so time and again — in Vietnam, China, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Latin America — we end up clumsily empowering our enemies.

Win a Trip, and See a Different World
Published: March 11, 2007

Cast your eyes above and meet Hidaya Abatemam, whom I met last month in a remote area of southern Ethiopia. She is 6 years old and weighs 17 pounds.

Hidaya was starved nearly to death and may well have suffered permanent mental impairment, helping to trap her — and her own children, if she lives that long — in another generation of poverty.

Yet maybe the more interesting question is not why Hidaya is starving but why the world continues to allow 30,000 children like her to die each day of poverty.

Ultimately what is killing girls like her isn’t precisely malnutrition or malaria, but indifference. And that, in turn, arises from our insularity, our inexperience in traveling and living in poor countries, so that we have difficulty empathizing with people like Hidaya.

McCain Is Forced To Play Catch-Up As Support Ebbs

There were some AMAZING polling numbers for Obama buried in this article from the front page of today's WSJ on McCain's difficulties.  No wonder Hillary's people are going nuts, twisting arms until they break, etc.

The poll shows Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is also facing a stiffer early challenge than her advisers anticipated. Among Democrats, the New York senator's lead over Sen. Barack Obama now stands at 40%-28%, down from 37%-18% in December. In a two-way matchup, Mrs. Clinton leads her Illinois colleague by a narrower 47%-39%.

Echoing Mr. McCain's situation, 16% of Democrats say they definitely wouldn't vote for Mrs. Clinton, twice the number who say that of Mr. Obama. And while seven in 10 Democrats embrace Mr. Obama's call to withdraw troops from Iraq, about half express discomfort with Mrs. Clinton's refusal to call her vote to authorize the war a mistake.

Mr. Hart, the Democratic pollster, notes that Mr. Obama's recent entry on the national stage leaves his support vulnerable to shifting political winds. But with 80% of Americans now recognizing Mr. Obama's name, Mr. Newhouse adds, the survey shows "he is a real, credible, serious threat to Hillary."


McCain Is Forced To Play Catch-Up As Support Ebbs

Poll Reflects Concerns
About Age, War Stance;
A Giuliani Boomlet
March 8, 2007; Page A1

WASHINGTON -- Some 10 months before Republican voters begin to select the party's presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain is facing unexpectedly formidable challenges despite courting the party faithful during his seven-year wait on deck for a shot at the White House.

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows the Arizona senator trailing Rudy Giuliani by more than 20 percentage points -- and encountering doubts in the party about his age and steadfast support for the Iraq war.

The Substance Of The Times Story

This blog post on yesterday's NYT story is correct here:
The facts are on his side.

If you think Obama is lying and somehow directed his broker to purchase these stocks on Haywood's advice (and knew that Haywood was an investor in those companies), and if Obama planned to use his office to appropriate avian flu funds to the pharma company, then... say that. The circumstantial evidence does not begin to prove it.

The Times justifies the content of its story, and by implication, its page A-1 placement, by pointing to the fact that Obama "has made ethics a signature issue." Fair point. Media critics we're not, but we wonder if the Times editors hope this story sends a message to the candidates and the Times' competitors that it will closely scrutinize every ink mark, iota and giblit.

Shame on the NY Times for this shoddy "journalism"!
I share this curiosity:
By the way: who's the broker? He/she's at the center of the storm, and we don't know who he/she is.
From the Hotline on Call blog:

March 07, 2007

The Substance Of The Times Story On Obama

Ok, now to the merits. This is an interesting story, and it suggests that Obama was not as careful as he ought to have been, or could have been. But our political antennae are buzzing here; our ethical antennae are silent. If Obama has a problem, this isn't it.

If a senior Disney Co. executive or a partner in a major institutional shareholder raises money for a candidate and the candidate's qualified visually impaired trust invests in Disney, it wouldn't raise any hackles. Say the candidate also supports, say, an FCC candidate who promises not to over police network television. So what?

In this case, Obama donor George W. Haywood, suggested that Obama employ UBS to manage his money. Obama's UBS-managed trust invested in, among many entities, a very small pharmaceutical company that was new to its field, and in a satellite communications "concerned" that was partly owned by one of his major contributors, the wonderfully named Jared Abbruzzese.

The difference here is not one of kind -- it's one of magnitude. The smaller the company, the more obscure the company is, the more a company’s backer has ties to the "Swift Boats," the more suspicious one is supposed to become of the dynamics underlying the purchase. (Were the companies really obscure? Opinions differ. But if the Times pronounces them as "relatively obscure," then maybe they are.)

But if the ethical principle is: it's OK to invest in companies owned by your fundraisers, then journalists covering the story need to justify why the standard changes: in this telling, it's the obscurity of a purchase and not the purchase itself that's the issue.

The Times suggests that Haywood recommended that Obama use UBS's broker in part because he knew that UBS would invest some of Obama's assets in the two companies partly owned by Haywood.

The ultimate consequences of the purchase provide no help, here. Obama lost money overall and divested himself as soon as the purchases were disclosed to him. The facts are on his side.

If you think Obama is lying and somehow directed his broker to purchase these stocks on Haywood's advice (and knew that Haywood was an investor in those companies), and if Obama planned to use his office to appropriate avian flu funds to the pharma company, then... say that. The circumstantial evidence does not begin to prove it.

The Times justifies the content of its story, and by implication, its page A-1 placement, by pointing to the fact that Obama "has made ethics a signature issue." Fair point. Media critics we're not, but we wonder if the Times editors hope this story sends a message to the candidates and the Times' competitors that it will closely scrutinize every ink mark, iota and giblit.

By the way: who's the broker? He/she's at the center of the storm, and we don't know who he/she is.

Where's His Right Hook?

I think Dowd is wrong hereObama is smart not to crawl into the trenches and start throwing mud -- that's his appeal!  Americans are rightly SICK of this!
March 3, 2007
Op-Ed Columnist

Where’s His Right Hook?


As I sit across from Barack Obama in his Senate office, I feel like Ingrid Bergman in “The Bells of St. Mary’s,” when she plays a nun who teaches a schoolboy who’s being bullied how to box.

I’m just not certain, having watched the fresh-faced senator shy away from fighting with the feral Hillary over her Hollywood turf, that he understands that a campaign is inherently a conflict.

The Democrats lost the last two excruciatingly close elections because Al Gore and John Kerry did not fight fiercely and cleverly enough.

In Selma, Obama Appeals to Black Voters

Obama gave a very powerful speech in Selma last weekThis is indeed true:

In a call to action perhaps politically unfeasible for his white rivals to make, Obama said the current generation needs to honor the civil rights movement by taking responsibility for rejecting violence; cleaning up "40-ounce bottles" and other trash that litters urban neighborhoods; and voting in elections.

"How can it be that our voting rates dropped down to 30, 40, 50 percent when people shed their blood to allow us to vote?" Obama asked.

He criticized the Bush administration for opposing affirmative action and said blacks must fight for banks to reinvest in their communities and for more spending in their schools.

But, he added, parents also have to "turn off the television set and put away the Game Boy and make sure that you're talking to your teacher and that we get over the anti-intellectualism that exists in some of our communities where if you conjugate your verbs and if you read a book that somehow means you are acting white," he said.
Here is the end of his speech, which was especially moving:

We understand that, but I'll tell you what. I also know that, if cousin Pookie would vote, get off the couch and register some folks and go to the polls, we might have a different kind of politics. That's what the Moses generation teaches us. Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes. Go do some politics. Change this country! That's what we need. We have too many children in poverty in this country and everybody should be ashamed, but don't tell me it doesn't have a little to do with the fact that we got too many daddies not acting like daddies. Don’t think that fatherhood ends at conception. I know something about that because my father wasn't around when I was young and I struggled.

Those of you who read my book know.  I went through some difficult times. I know what it means when you don't have a strong male figure in the house, which is why the hardest thing about me being in politics sometimes is not being home as much as I'd like and I'm just blessed that I've got such a wonderful wife at home to hold things together. Don’t tell me that we can't do better by our children, that we can't take more responsibility for making sure we're instilling in them the values and the ideals that the Moses generation taught us about sacrifice and dignity and honesty and hard work and discipline and self-sacrifice. That comes from us. We've got to transmit that to the next generation and I guess the point that I'm making is that the civil rights movement wasn't just a fight against the oppressor; it was also a fight against the oppressor in each of us.

            Sometimes it's easy to just point at somebody else and say it's their fault, but oppression has a way of creeping into it.  Reverend, it has a way of stunting yourself. You start telling yourself, Bishop, I can't do something. I can't read. I can't go to college. I can't start a business. I can't run for Congress. I can't run for the presidency. People start telling you you can't do something, after a while, you start believing it and part of what the civil rights movement was about was recognizing that we have to transform ourselves in order to transform the world.  Mahatma Gandhi, great hero of Dr. King and the person who helped create the nonviolent movement around the world; he once said that you can't change the world if you haven't changed.  

If you want to change the world, the change has to happen with you first and that is something that the greatest and most honorable of generations has taught us,  but the final thing that I think the Moses generation teaches us is to remind ourselves that we do what we do because God is with us. You know, when Moses was first called to lead people out of the Promised Land, he said I don't think I can do it, Lord. I don't speak like Reverend Lowery. I don't feel brave and courageous and the Lord said I will be with you. Throw down that rod. Pick it back up. I'll show you what to do. The same thing happened with the Joshua generation.

Joshua said, you know, I'm scared. I'm not sure that I am up to the challenge, the Lord said to him, every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, I have given you. Be strong and have courage, for I am with you wherever you go. Be strong and have courage. It's a prayer for a journey. A prayer that kept a woman in her seat when the bus driver told her to get up, a prayer that led nine children through the doors of the little rock school, a prayer that carried our brothers and sisters over a bridge right here in Selma, Alabama. Be strong and have courage.

When you see row and row of state trooper facing you, the horses and the tear gas, how else can you walk? Towards them, unarmed, unafraid. When they come start beating your friends and neighbors, how else can you simply kneel down, bow your head and ask the Lord for salvation?  When you see heads gashed open and eyes burning and children lying hurt on the side of the road, when you are John Lewis and you've been beaten within an inch of your life on Sunday, how do you wake up Monday and keep on marching?

Be strong and have courage, for I am with you wherever you go. We've come a long way in this journey, but we still have a long way to travel. We traveled because God was with us. It's not how far we've come. That bridge outside was crossed by blacks and whites, northerners and southerners, teenagers and children, the beloved community of God's children, they wanted to take those steps together, but it was left to the Joshua’s to finish the journey Moses had begun and today we're called to be the Joshua’s of our time, to be the generation that finds our way across this river.

There will be days when the water seems wide and the journey too far, but in those moments, we must remember that throughout our history, there has been a running thread of ideals that have guided our travels and pushed us forward, even when they're just beyond our reach, liberty in the face of tyranny, opportunity where there was none and hope over the most crushing despair. Those ideals and values beckon us still and when we have our doubts and our fears, just like Joshua did, when the road looks too long and it seems like we may lose our way, remember what these people did on that bridge.

Keep in your heart the prayer of that journey, the prayer that God gave to Joshua. Be strong and have courage in the face of injustice. Be strong and have courage in the face of prejudice and hatred, in the face of joblessness and helplessness and hopelessness. Be strong and have courage, brothers and sisters, those who are gathered here today, in the face of our doubts and fears, in the face of skepticism, in the face of cynicism, in the face of a mighty river.

Be strong and have courage and let us cross over that Promised Land together. Thank you so much everybody.

God bless you.

In Selma, Obama Appeals to Black Voters

Obama, Clintons Campaign in Selma, Ala.; Obama Urges Blacks to Take More Responsibility


SELMA, Ala. Mar 4, 2007 (AP)— Barack Obama reached out to the civil rights generation Sunday on the anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march, saying the protesters helped pave the way for his campaign to become the first black president. He also urged blacks to take more personal responsibility.

Black Democrats Torn Between Clinton, Obama

This article highlights the fight for the black voteIt will indeed be critical for Obama to attract the black vote -- he can't win without it.  The great news, according to a friend who's seen the recent polls, is that Obama's support in the black community skyrocketed when Hillary attacked in the Geffen affair.  This occurred for two reasons, my friend speculated: A) A natural reaction to one of their own being attacked; and B) A big reason for the hesitation to support Obama is the sense that he couldn't win, so why risk pissing off Hillary?  By attacking him, she showed she's afraid of him and gave him a huge boost in credibility.

Black Democrats Torn Between Clinton, Obama

Rep. John Lewis, a Civil Rights Hero, Says He Faces a Difficult Choice


March 4, 2007 — - Like other black Democrats, Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., is facing a dilemma: Should he vote for the man who could become the first black president or the woman named Clinton, with all that means to African-American voters?

"I'm torn, I'm torn," lamented Lewis. "When I celebrated my 60th birthday in Atlanta, President Clinton came down and spoke. When I celebrated my 65th birthday in Atlanta, Sen. Obama came down. They're friends. They're like brothers. And Mrs. Clinton is an extension of her husband."

Lewis remained neutral while the two presidential contenders visited Selma, Ala., this weekend.

Senators Regret Remarks on Troops

It's great for Obama that McCain also made the same faux pas:
March 2, 2007

Senators Regret Remarks on Troops

WASHINGTON, March 1 — They come from different parties and have opposite views on what should be done in Iraq. But both Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama have now had to express regret for saying that American lives have been “wasted” in battle.

Mr. McCain, the Arizona Republican who has been a big supporter of the war and has backed President Bush’s call for more troops, made his remarks Wednesday in an appearance on “Late Show With David Letterman” while criticizing the White House’s management of the war.

“Americans are very frustrated, and they have every right to be,” he said. “We’ve wasted a lot of our most precious treasure, which is American lives, over there.”

Gingrich Had Affair During Clinton Probe

Is history repeating itself?  Obama was helped immeasurably in his Senate run by two of his opponents blowing themselves up with sex/divorce scandals.  It's hard for me to imagine that the American people, esp. Republicans, will give Gingrich and Giuliani passes for their unconscionable behavior toward their ex-wives.  And Romney's gonna get killed for being 10x the flip-flopper Kerry was accused of being...
The hypocrisy here really boggles the mind (despite his pathetic rationalizations).  You just can't make this stuff up!

Gingrich argued in the interview, however, that he should not be viewed as a hypocrite for pursuing Clinton's infidelity.

"The president of the United States got in trouble for committing a felony in front of a sitting federal judge," the former Georgia congressman said of Clinton's 1998 House impeachment on perjury and obstruction of justice charges. "I drew a line in my mind that said, 'Even though I run the risk of being deeply embarrassed, and even though at a purely personal level I am not rendering judgment on another human being, as a leader of the government trying to uphold the rule of law, I have no choice except to move forward and say that you cannot accept ... perjury in your highest officials."


Gingrich Had Affair During Clinton Probe

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich Acknowledges Affair During Clinton Impeachment


The Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich acknowledged he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.

"The honest answer is yes," Gingrich, a potential 2008 Republican presidential candidate, said in an interview with Focus on the Family founder James Dobson to be aired Friday

In Romney's Bid, His Wallet Opens to the Right

In marked contrast to the absurd hatchet job the front page of the NY Times did last week on two stocks Obama's broker bought without his knowledge, THIS front page NYT story is insightful and revealing, showing Romney's flip-flopping on critical issues, pandering to the right and not being the slightest bit subtle or clever.  It's not at all uncommon for wealthy individuals to grease their path to elected office by cleverly making donations to organizations and individuals that can be helpful (Mike Bloomberg's mayoral bid was undoubtedly helped by his philanthropy, for example), but usually the giving is done over a period of time so it doesn't look like the tawdry buying of support -- which is exactly what Romney appears to be doing...

In Romney’s Bid, His Wallet Opens to the Right

Published: March 11, 2007

WASHINGTON, March 10 — In the months before announcing his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts contributed tens of thousands of dollars of his personal fortune to several conservative groups in a position to influence his image on the right.

Last December, a foundation controlled by Mr. Romney made contributions of $10,000 to $15,000 to each of three Massachusetts organizations associated with major national conservative groups: the antiabortion Massachusetts Citizens for Life, Massachusetts Citizens for Limited Taxation and the Christian conservative Massachusetts Family Institute.

Mr. Romney and a group of his supporters also contributed a total of about $10,000 to a nonprofit group affiliated with National Review. Over the past two years, he contributed $35,000 to the Federalist Society, an influential network of conservative lawyers. And in December 2005, he contributed $25,000 to the Heritage Foundation, a leading conservative research organization.

The recipients of Mr. Romney’s donations said the money had no influence on them. But some of the groups, notably Citizens for Life and the Family Institute, have turned supportive of Mr. Romney after criticizing him in the past.

Coming on the eve of his presidential campaign, Mr. Romney’s contributions could create the appearance of a conflict of interest for groups often asked to evaluate him. All the groups said he had never contributed before, and his foundation’s public tax filings show no previous gifts to similar groups. Its 2006 contributions will become public with its tax filings later this year.

Voters Accept Divorced Candidates, but They Have Limits

Giuliani's got problems as well...

Crassness, the nature and number of divorces and acts of infidelity, seem to matter. In fact, adultery may be the new divorce.

A survey in February by the Pew Research Center in Washington showed that while 86 percent of those questioned said divorce would make no difference in their willingness to support a candidate, only 56 percent said the same if the candidate had an extramarital affair; concerns about affairs were as high as 62 percent among Republicans (compared with 25 percent for Democrats.)

Of course it is still early. “How voters think about personal qualities of the candidates may change as people learn more about them,” Andrew Kohut, the Pew Center president, counseled.

And that is precisely the point. The most damaging aspect of Andrew Giuliani’s remarks could come down to his surely unintended role as a town crier. He clued the rest of the country into what has long been common knowledge back home — how the former mayor treated his second wife, Ms. Hanover. In a performance that astonished even jaded New Yorkers, Mr. Giuliani declared his intention to divorce her at a news conference, catching Ms. Hanover unawares.

She then met with reporters and, in a shaky voice, implied that before Ms. Nathan came into the picture, her husband had had a relationship with his former communications director (which both parties denied).


Don’t Be Cruel

Voters Accept Divorced Candidates, but They Have Limits

Published: March 11, 2007

ALREADY in this pre-presidential year, the question is out and about: How judgmental will the public be of candidates, how demanding of idealized personal lives and vintage family values?

It's old news that divorce is no longer disqualifying for a candidate, hasn’t been since 1980, when the country elected Ronald Reagan, the divorced and remarried family-values candidate. As national divorce rates skyrocketed, divorce lost its wounding political impact. The end.

Or was it?

“I think people no longer have a unitary idea that divorce inevitably disqualifies you, but they still look at the dynamics,” said Stephanie Coontz, of the Council on Contemporary Families, a nonprofit research group. “They are more disapproving of dishonest dynamics, by how someone handled his marriages, divorces, kids.”

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Black vote for Obama

A friend of mine (who's black) commented:
Black people will vote for Obama.  Overwhelmingly.  Why?  Because at the end of the day, Obama and Clinton will both have enough money and media credibility to be heard directly by most voters.  And when black voters hear what they have to say, and how they say it, it is not even close.  And this is not a knock on Clinton.  I would say the same if Obama's opponent were Gore, Kerry, or the Bill Clinton of 1992.  What's different is Obama.  Can you imagine anyone else in national politics making that speech that you just excerpted [Selma]?  Cmon.

Obama's Back Fund-Raising in New York, Not Quietly

Anyone who thinks Obama's not going to win the black vote wasn't at the fundraisers I went to last night -- there was a HUGE turnout among blacks, mostly young professionals.  I even ran into a friend who at one time organized a big fundraiser for Hillary.  I asked her, "Are you here just to check out Obama, but are still in Hillary's camp, or have you switched sides?"  She smiled and said she'd switched -- "and it wasn't a hard decision!"
It was a MADHOUSE at both fundraisers last night!  Even the $1,000-per-person room was packed to the gills (I'd guess 700+ people were there), and I couldn't believe the crowd in the enormous ballroom upstairs -- you could barely move.  And there was so much excitement and energy in the air!
I went to a Hillary fundraiser last year and the difference couldn't have been more stark.  It was stilted and formal, the audience was a bunch of businessmen, checking their Blackberries, who were probably there because their arms had been twisted or their companies did business with the government, and Hillary gave a boring policy speech.
In contrast, last night, after his wife introduced him (I'd heard great things about her -- and she was better than advertised!) and he came out, everyone was snapping pictures and during his remarks, he was frequently interrupted by applause.  People were going NUTS!
I also heard more stories about how Obama is drawing huge support from life-long Republicans; for example, at one meeting yesterday afternoon with big-time donors from the investment world, of the two dozen people there, I heard half were Republicans.
Everything I saw underscored for me that Democrats AND Republicans are SICK of the status quo in their parties -- the vicious attacks and divisive strategies, the corruption and pandering to special interests, etc. -- and are desperately yearning for someone who can move beyond that and bring our nation together.  A whole lotta people -- myself included -- think Obama's that person.
Sorenson has it right:

Theodore C. Sorenson, one of President John F. Kennedy’s closest advisers, introduced Mr. Obama at one fund-raiser last night. He endorsed Mr. Obama’s candidacy, saying the senator was the only candidate he believed could restore the nation’s credibility around the world.

“It reminds me of the way the young, previously unknown J.F.K. took off,” Mr. Sorensen said in an interview, adding: “Obama, like J.F.K., is such a natural. He’s very comfortable with who he is.”

“I’m a New Yorker,” Mr. Sorenson said, “but I want to support the best candidate. I don’t dislike Senator Clinton, but I’m for Obama.”

March 10, 2007

Obama’s Back Fund-Raising in New York, Not Quietly

Since opening his presidential fund-raising committee in January, Senator Barack Obama has made a series of stealthy trips to New York, quietly prospecting for contributions and supporters in the city of one of his chief rivals for the Democratic nomination.

But when Mr. Obama arrived yesterday, no effort was made to keep his visit under wraps. His campaign trumpeted the back-to-back events that raised nearly $1 million.

And just so no one — particularly, perhaps, the campaign of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton — would overlook that he was in town, organizers passed out blue and red Obama signs to admirers lining the street outside a Midtown hotel.

“We are here because the country is calling us,” Mr. Obama told a cheering crowd inside. “We are here because we are at a crossroads.” He added, “Every 20 or 30 years, every generation, a moment comes when we have to look up and ask ourselves, ‘Are we prepared to meet the challenges that this generation faces?’ ”

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Obama responds to the NY Times article

As I expected, the article on the front page of today's NYT was nothing but a hatchet job.  Obama did exactly the right thing here -- both in relation to the two stocks in question, as soon as he learned about them, and with his investments going forward:

Obama said at some point in fall 2005 he got a stockholder letter. He said he believes it was from AVI or Skyterra, but he couldn't remember which company. But he decided to liquidate the quasi-blind trust and put his money in mutual funds and money market accounts that wouldn't raise such questions.

"It's at that point that I became concerned that I might not be able to insulate myself from knowledge of my holdings, that this trust instrument might not be working the way I wanted it to," Obama said.

Obama said he didn't invest in a standard blind trust because it wouldn't allow him to limit which companies he invested in, such as those in the tobacco industry and other areas that he did not want to support.

"At this point, I'm only invested in mutual funds or cash or money market accounts. That's my instruction to my accountant," Obama said. "We are not going to own individual stocks precisely because it raises questions like this."

PS--He should have just bought one A share of Berkshire -- Buffett would have been flattered!
"I thought about going to (billionaire investor) Warren Buffett, and I decided it would be embarrassing that I only had $100,000 to invest," Obama said.

Obama says he didn't aid companies he held stock in

POSTED: 3:54 p.m. EST, March 7, 2007

Story Highlights

NEW: Obama says he didn't direct how stocks were invested, broker did
• Illinois senator lost $13,000 in the transactions, spokesman says
• One company was developing avian flu drug; other was wireless network
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday that he was not aware that he had invested in two companies backed by some of his top donors and did nothing to aid their business before the government.

Obama: Man of the World

Articles don’t get any better than this one by Nick Kristof in today’s NY Times.  It really captures many of the reasons why I support Obama:

In foreign policy as well, Mr. Obama would bring to the White House an important experience that most other candidates lack: he has actually lived abroad. He spent four years as a child in Indonesia and attended schools in the Indonesian language, which he still speaks.

“I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office (excerpts are on my blog, He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them...

Our biggest mistake since World War II has been a lack of sensitivity to other people’s nationalism, from Vietnam to Iraq. Perhaps as a result of his background, Mr. Obama has been unusually sensitive to such issues and to the need to project respect rather than arrogance. He has consistently shown great instincts.

Mr. Obama’s visit to Africa last year hit just the right diplomatic notes.

March 6, 2007
Op-Ed Columnist

Obama: Man of the World


The conventional wisdom about Barack Obama is that he’s smart and charismatic but so inexperienced that we should feel jittery about him in the Oval Office.

But that view is myopic. In some respects, Mr. Obama is far more experienced than other presidential candidates.

In '05 Investing, Obama Took Same Path as Donors

Unless Obama's lying, which I highly doubt, this front page story in today's NYT is a really lousy piece of journalism.  It begins:

Less than two months after ascending to the United States Senate, Barack Obama bought more than $50,000 worth of stock in two speculative companies whose major investors included some of his biggest political donors.

One of the companies was a biotech concern that was starting to develop a drug to treat avian flu. In March 2005, two weeks after buying about $5,000 of its shares, Mr. Obama took the lead in a legislative push for more federal spending to battle the disease.

The first sentence -- again, unless Obama's lying -- is false: Obama did NOT buy these two stocks -- HIS BROKER DID, WITHOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE!  And the second paragraph is just yellow journalism, insinuating that Obama was pushing legislation to benefit his stock position, which would be a scurrilous charge even if Obama knew about the microscopic ($5,000?!) stock position.
There are, however, two questions that Obama needs to answer: how did his broker come to own two such speculative stocks in an otherwise conservative portfolio?  And why would Abbruzzese give money to Obama at the same time Obama's broker bought stock in a company affiliated with Abbruzzese?  It's unlikely that these are coincidences.
Regarding the latter, it doesn't surprise me that a Republican like Abbruzzese would donate to Obama -- one of the reasons I think he's more electable than Hillary or any other Democrat is that he attracts quite a bit of support from the right.
As for the unusual stocks, I think the likely answer is that the broker was at an Obama campaign event and was talking with the executives of these two companies, who had already given to Obama's campaign (or were about to).  Like most executives of small, speculative companies, they were probably hyping their companies' prospects and the broker got excited about the stories and bought the stocks (without the knowledge of Obama OR the executives).  This was dumb on a number of dimensions, but Obama had nothing to do with it and, as soon as he learned of it, sold the stocks and closed the account.
The key here is quick damage control: Obama's campaign needs to identify the person who bought the stocks and have him explain why he did so (and confirm that Obama had no knowledge of these purchases).  Otherwise, the damning insinuations in this story will linger...
Also, whoever is managing Obama's money currently, even if it's in a blind trust, needs to invest ONLY in totally benign stuff like Treasury bills and index funds.
March 7, 2007

In ’05 Investing, Obama Took Same Path as Donors